Krzysztof Michalski
Krzysztof Michalski was born in 2003 in Tarnobrzeg, Southern Poland. There, he began his musical education which later took place in Państwowa Szkoła Muzyczna II st. im Władysława Żeleńskiego in Cracow. At the age of 10 he started working under artistic care of an outstanding cello teacher, maestro Henryk Zarzycki, who gave him a scholarship at the EAFIT University in Medellin, Colombia, allowing him to study there during the vacation of 2015 and 2016.
In the years 2019-2021 Krzysztof was a student at the international Musica Mundi School In Waterloo, Belgium (studying with Claire Oppert, Aleksandr Khramouchin, Vladimir Perlin and Jérôme Pernoo) from which he has recently graduated with the highest distinction ‘Summa Cum Laude’. Currently, he continues his education at the Conservatorie National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris in the class of Jérôme Pernoo.
In the last 3 years he won several international and national competitions in Europe and the USA of which the most important ones were the 1st prize at the Johansen International Competition for Young String Players in Washington D.C., USA, 2018 and the 3rd prize at the Brussels Cello Competition in Brussels, Belgium, 2020. He performed as a soloist with symphony and chamber orchestras in Poland, Germany and Colombia, among others with the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, the Orchestra of the Technical University in Dresden, the Tolima Department Symphony Orchestra in Ibagué (Colombia), with the Symphony Orchestra of the Academy of Music in Cracow and more. In his artistic output he also has several recitals in Europe, Asia, North and South America, of which the majority were in Poland, Belgium, Germany, Slovakia, Israel, the USA and Colombia.
In the years 2015-2017 he was the cello leader of the Lusławicka Orkiestra Talentów based in the European Center of Music of Krzysztof Penderecki and since then he is being frequently invited to perform there for different occasions. Four times (2017-2020) he participated in the Morningside Music Bridge program organized by the Calgary Philharmonic (Boston, MA, USA and Warsaw, Poland).
He plays on two contemporary copies of M. Gofriller cellos made by Wojciech Topa and Jan Pawlikowski. Krzysztof is fluent in Polish, English, Spanish and apart from also learning French his biggest passions are travels, cats and swimming.